- Where would we be right now if we never went to school?
- What if there was nobody to care about the millions of young girls overseas that have no hope of becoming educated?
- What kind of world would it be if we turned our backs on our talented, hard-working, financially-deserving high school scholars hoping to pursue dreams of becoming doctors, scientists, engineers, researchers and technicians?
- What kind of chance would we have if an education was but a distant dream and not an attainable reality?

The YFS Foundation, Inc. cannot change the world on its own. Assuring a quality education for the untold millions that currently have no hope of this happening entails a global effort. We can do our best to affect those that are within our reach, but this has to be done in trusting collaboration and partnership with many, many other people and organizations committed to the same.
This foundation is intent on being a facilitator, a convener, a motivator, a partner, and a driver to support these efforts. There are many others that believe as we do and who are committed to bringing educational supports and resources where they are needed the most. Children, families, schools, communities and societies are transformed when we work together in these efforts.

Financial, tax-deductible donations are crucial to this Mission. We will partner with some of the world’s most respected and efficient organizations to deliver totally efficient help in some of the world’s most needy places. We have established incredibly trusting and transparent relationships with regional high school and college administrations to reach out and help our best, brightest and hardest working future scientists, physicians, engineers and other science-based professionals.

We need and want your help and collaboration! Whether you are a teacher, educational administrator, funder, not-for-profit organization, or interested individual, please contact us! Alone – we will never come close to making much of a difference. Together – we can change this world.
Reach out – contact us – let’s work together and make a real difference!